
Showing posts from September, 2020
                                    What Is Current Or Ampere?   An ampere is the unit used to measure electric current . Current is a count of the number of electrons flowing through a circuit. One amp is the amount of current produced by a force of one volt acting through the resistance of one ohm.        

Bluetooth Controlled Robot Car using Arduino

Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino In this project, I will show you how to design and develop a Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino, HC-05 Bluetooth Module and L298N Motor Driver Module. On the other end of the Bluetooth Communication, I will be using a Smart Phone and a simple Android App to control the Robotic Car.   Introduction Robots are always a fancy topic for students, hobbyists and DIYers. If you are beginner, then building a robot (like a car or an arm) is probably one of the important projects to do after learning about the basics.   If you remember the earlier tutorial, I have discussed about HC-05 Bluetooth Module and how to interface one with Arduino. Also, I have provided a simple Bluetooth Controller App, which can be installed on your Android Phone and start transmitting the data.   As a continuation to that project, I will be implementing Bluetooth Controlled Robot using Arduino and a few other components and b...

What Is An Inductor?

                     What Is An Inductor? An inductor is a passive electronic component which is capable of storing electrical energy in the form of magnetic energy. Basically, it uses a conductor that is wound into a coil, and when electricity flows into the coil from the left to the right, this will generate a magnetic field in the clockwise direction. The Inductor Basically Used For Increase Or  Decrease Of Current                          One Example On Current Increasing-:  You Are See Here Is A Battery , A  bulb,A coil Of Wire(Inductor) Around A Piece Of Iron(Yellow Coloured) And A Switch The Coil Of Wire Is An Inductor. If You Were To Take Out The Inductor From This Circuit You Get A Normal Light. But When You Connect The Inductor To This Circuit  And Close The Switch The bulb Burns Brightly And Then Quickly Goes Out. It Occur Because Th...


HOW TO MAKE ARDUINO UNO BASED PROJECTS ? At First I Recommend To All My Readers That They Should Be Use A Computer OR Laptop. I Will Be Tell You How Can Upload Programming On Arduino Nano On Another Post. Today I Talk About Arduino Uno Based Projects  At First You Should Go To Arduino's Official Website (  Here You Can Download Arduino IDE Software And Install It On Your PC. If You Are New On This Project You Should Start From Blink The LED Light . Hardware Required Arduino or Genuino Board optional  1xLED 1x220 ohm resistor If you want to lit an external LED with this sketch, you need to build this circuit, where you connect one end of the resistor to the digital pin correspondent to the  LED_BUILTIN  constant. Connect the long leg of the LED (the positive leg, called the anode) to the other end of the resistor. Connect the short leg of the LED (the negative leg, called the cathode) to the GND. In the diagram below we sho...

What Is Transformer?

                                             What Is   Transformer? A transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another, or multiple circuits without change of frequency. A  transformer  consists of two electrically isolated coils and operates on Faraday's principal of “mutual induction”, in which an EMF is induced in the  transformers  secondary coil by the magnetic flux generated by the voltages and currents flowing in the primary coil winding. Working Principle -: The  operation principle  of the  single - phase transformer  is: the AC voltage source injects the AC current through the  transformer  primary winding. ... Thus the voltage is induced in the secondary winding with the same frequency as the voltage of the primary side. The induced voltage val...