

  How Did You Make A Mini Tesla Coil Very Easily   At First You Need  This Things To Make This Project 1. 20Mx Isolated Copper Wire 2. 1xPlastic Pipe 3. 1x2N2222 Transistor 4. 1xPlastic box 5. 1x9v Battery 6. 1xBattery cap 7. 1x On-Off switch 8. 2x10k Resistance 9. 1x Thick wire At First Make round shaped winding around a plastic pipe And it must be memorized that it would be 200 turns around the pipe. Next make a another winding of 3 turns with the thick wire and the winding is placed above the first winding body symbolized in image of red wire Next take the transistor 2N2222 is a NPN type transistor The Emitter point of transistor is connect to the negative terminal of 9volt battery Next the on off switch connect to the positive terminal of battery and the point of other wire of switch connect the one side of resistors (the resistor must be in series) and also connect the thick wire's one terminal. The other side of resistor's pin connect with one terminal of Isolat...

What is Ohm's Law ?

                                               What is   Ohm's Law ? Answer-: Ohm's Law States That, The Electric Current Flow Through A Conductor Material Is Directly Proportional to The Voltage Difference Between The Ends of The Conductor Material, Keeping the Physical Conditions unaltered. The Formula Of Ohm's Law Is -: V/I = Constant( This is Written Down "R")

What Is Voltage Or Potential Difference ?

                What Is Voltage Or Potential Difference ? Answer-:  Voltage   or Potential Difference is the pressure from an electrical circuit's power source that pushes charged electrons (current) through a conducting loop, enabling them to do work such as illuminating a light. In brief,  voltage  = pressure, and it is measured in volts (V).       Common symbols:  V, ∆V, U, ∆U           Dimension:  M L 2  T −3  I −1 Derivations from other quantities:  Voltage = Energy / charge

What Is Resistance ?

                                                                  What Is Resistance ? Ans-: It is the proprerty of a material by virtue of which it opposes the flow of electric current through the material. Unit-: S.I. unit of  resistance is  "ohm"            The CGS unit of Resistance is  Abohm . It is equal to 10^-9  Ohms.